Blogs By Our Members

Welcome to our inspiring collection of spiritually based blogs, curated from the wisdom of our esteemed teachers. Immerse yourself in a journey of self-discovery, inner growth, and profound insights as you explore a diverse range of topics, from mindfulness and meditation to ancient philosophies and modern spiritual practices. Our teachers, with their profound understanding and experience, share their thoughts, guidance, and reflections, creating a space where you can find solace, guidance, and inspiration. Whether you're a seasoned seeker or just beginning to explore the realms of spirituality, these blogs offer a wealth of perspectives to help you navigate your path and deepen your connection with the spiritual essence within and around you. Join us in exploring these transformative teachings and embrace a life infused with purpose, awareness, and peace.

Happy Birthday Libra 2024
by John Maerz

What do you want in your relationships? Why? What is your motivation? They say that Libra is in love with love. Often, this is the case. But now, we’re getting a clear view of who we are with. What do you want from them? Have you told them? Odds are if your birth sign is Libra or you have major placements in Libra, they don’t know because you haven’t told them. Usually, Libra applies their ideal to their significant other and simply expects them to act accordingly.

MERLIN – A Spirit Guide to Divine Magic
by Nancy Robbins

The Merlin – as in “The Merlin of Britian” is a title of lineage of spiritual masters, mystics, and healers that began in 753 BCE in England. The Merlin we are most familiar with from legend was born in 540 CE. This Merlin was known as Merlinus Ambrosius. As a Druid wizard his Welsh name was Myrrdin Emrys. He is known as a wizard – a master of inner alchemy and Earth magic, as well as a prophet, bard, teacher, and advisor. He is also a symbol of spiritual protection and guidance, strength, courage, and personal growth. He comes to those who have a sincere desire to learn spiritual secrets of alchemy, divine magic, and manifesting skills to use for the greater good. He bridges the natural world with the supernatural world.

Exploring the Connection Between Emotions and Spirituality
by Gwen Peterson

Venture beyond the physical realm and explore the connection between emotions and spirituality. Understand How Feelings Link to Spirituality. Understanding the connection between emotions and spirituality can be a journey of exploration. While it may be difficult to put feelings into words, they can offer powerful insight into our deepest selves – both physical and spiritual. Learn how to identify your emotions, become aware of their underlying message, and gain insights into the spiritual realm of experience. It was one of my most profound spiritual moments when I discovered that our emotions are linked to our alignment with our Soul/Spirit/God. What I Learned....

The Twelve Divine Ray Meditation Roll-ons
by Nancy Robbins

In meditation in late July. Sananda/Jesus and Mary Magdalene came to me requesting I make these roll-ons. They chose 12 of the 27 divine rays and listed the ingredients for each roll-on – the essential oils, crystal and flower essences that were to go into each roll-on. They wanted them to be roll-ons instead of sprays, because they wanted the physical contact with the ingredients in order to activate that ray within the physical and etheric bodies. The intended purpose for us is to experience these rays more fully as they aid our healing, expanded awareness of our truth, self-knowledge, and for ascension. No doubt they also enhance our DNA. Each ray bestows us with its own gifts and elevate our frequency as we ascend on the stairway of ascension.

Looking for Better Health?
by Gwen Peterson

Are you ready to believe that your health is dependent on how you feel? The thoughts you hold? What thoughts are you having right now? Did you stop to hear what your thoughts were just now? Take a moment and think about the idea that you can be guided to well-being. Guided? By whom? Your older wiser self. The part of you that is always there and always available to you when you make the conscious decision to align with Love, Peace and Joy. The vibration of your Soul.

Athena’s Tips On Transitioning to a New Earth Civilization
by Nancy Robbins

In Meditation Pallas Athena came to me and said she would like to bring me tips on how to transition to a New Earth civilization, that I would share with the world. I’ll share the steps in the process as I’m given them.

Embarking on a Journey of Self-Discovery: A Guide to Meditation
by Gwen Peterson

Let's explore the practice of meditation, its health benefits, the various meditation techniques, and how you can be successful at your own practice. Today, we're going to explore the practice of meditation, its health benefits, the various meditation techniques, and how you can embark on your own successful meditation journey.

Crystal Healing
by Doron Shalev

IThere sure is something about crystals. Ever since I was a young child, I was fascinated with them. I then ended up doing research in a crystal engineering lab in graduate school, and nearly every paper I’ve published has involved one or more crystal structures that I solved from experiments with new, unknown crystals I had grown myself.

Choosing to Feel Good
by Gwen Peterson

When we deliberately choose to line up with good feeling thoughts, we are lining up with God/All-That-Is/Universal Love. What does that mean? When we choose to make the decision to hold good feeling thoughts the most important part of our day, we not only change our lives, we impact the lives of those around us and beyond.

Preventative Wellness with Energy Work
by Doron Shalev

The value of preventative wellness is without reproach - executing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help stave off illness and disease. It makes sense. The better you eat, exercise, and relax, the better off your body will be.

Lady Portia – the Violet & Aquamarine Rays – Freedom & Transcendence
by Nancy Robbins

Lady Portia is the twin flame of St. Germain. He is an ascended master and “Keeper of the Violet Flame of Freedom,” and sponsor of the United States of America. She is “Keeper of the Sacred Heart Flame” – the feminine aspect of the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame frees you by transmuting your energy of anything that is preventing your higher potential from manifesting. The Violet Flame of Freedom is the 7th divine ray, followed by the Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence (a violet-seafoam green mix) – the 8th divine ray.

Angels in Judaism
by Dr. Doron Shalev

Like many topics in Judaism, the subject of angels is not without debate and criticism. Regardless, angels are spoken of in the Torah and are considered a part of the Jewish faith.

The Grandness of Perfection
by Gwen Peterson

In my last blog we focused into the feeling of perfection. Could you feel the perfection? Could you feel the intensity of the feeling? The grandness?

How does perfection feel?
by Gwen Peterson

Perfection..... I love the word perfection. Even more so when I connect it with my feelings toward God/Spirit. How long has it been since you felt the fullness of your being? In that fullness, you can feel the perfection of All-That-Is aka God or any name you choose, the name is not important here. If you are not in that place of fullness and feeling of perfection, try this. See if you can find something in your life that you would label perfect. A flower, the water, the sunshine, a person, pet.... something.

A Message and Meditation from Mary Magdalene
by Nancy Robbins

Mary Magdalene is also known as Lady Magda, or Mariam. She trained with the Egyptian Mystery School of Isis in the healing arts, as did Mother Mary, who also mentored her. She is lady master of the 14th divine ray – the Silver Ray of the New Order and Dawn of Peace. She carries the Flame of Hope and the Magdalene Flame

The Divine Spark Connection with Meditation
by Nancy Robbins

There are two cards from my Spirits of the Nature Kingdom card deck that I drew the other day, and when I connected the two together in meditation, magic happened! It was the Divine Spark of the Heart card, and the Earth’s Core Light card that I had chosen. In meditation I connected the Divine Spark of my heart to the Divine Spark at the core of the Earth – the heart of Gaia. I found myself merging with Gaia and brought to an inner earth realm that radiated the Green Ray (of Truth, Healing, & Science).

Life's Challenges
by Gwen Peterson

As each of these messages go out, I sit and work with them myself. I revisit with where I am and with who I am. Especially at times when our family is faced with some "things" that would distract me from who I really am. I do not take these words lightly. Sometimes it is difficult for me to find my alignment with them. But those are the moments that require my attention the most. Not when things are good and happy but when I, we, you are challenged with experiences that appear to be everything but.

Begin Living Your Best Life Now
by Gwen Peterson

Do you really want to begin living your life? Then stop and take the time to connect with who you are, love, peace, joy. Some of you may be so far removed from that connection that you may need to remind yourself what relief feels like. Train yourself back into that sensation or feeling. The sensation or feeling of letting go of bad feeling thoughts. Letting the tightness in your chest be replaced with the pounding of excitement for the unknown.

Crystalline Ray of Source Light
by Nancy Robbins

This is the third of four rays that came in October 2023. Below is a description, and crystal and meditation to help you connect to its energy.

Finding Peace in Troubling Times
by Gwen Peterson

I guess it would be easier for me to talk about light and fluffy stuff right now. To steer clear of the growing pains our planet is in at the moment. To put a smiley face on and pretend that what is happening is not effecting everyone. If I did that, then what is the purpose of my weekly Insights and Illuminations newsletters, classes, videos and programs I create about spirituality and the importance of having a personal practice.

Why Being Happy Is Important
by Gwen Peterson

Happiness is not something we have to wait for. It’s an inside job.  The secret to happiness is being happy without any reason.  I'll be happy either way.

Are You Maintaining or Creating Your Life?
by Gwen Peterson

Life can spin on a dime. Just when you think you have it all figured out, wham! Your blindsided by something you never saw coming. Or were you? When we see our lives as something that is coming at us and something to be managed, we lose our power to create. Managing is not creating. Maybe you are scratching your head and saying what the heck so let me explain.

Meditations for Heartfelt Abundance and Gratitude
by Nancy Robbins

Gratitude from the heart is an open door to joy and abundance. Thanksgiving is a time of feeling grateful for all the abundance in our lives. It is a heart-centered emotion. A healthy heart is one that gives love and receives with gratitude equally. Gratitude goes beyond saying please and thank you.

Five New Divine Rays: 21. Lavender Ray of Divine Harmony  by Nancy Robbins

My previous blog discussed the Aqua Ray of the New Earth Consciousness, and this blog will discuss the next ray – the 21st divine ray – Lavender Ray of Divine Harmony. I’m continuing my deeper connection and understanding of all the rays, and especially these five new rays, but I wanted to share with you what knowledge I have so far! Here is also a recap of the divine rays.

Trust that we are all connected to the One Divine Energy by Gwen Peterson

From that Trust, we hear or feel our guidance. The message/communication that comes from that part of us that has remained limitless. Trust that we are all connected to the One Divine Energy. To Source, to God, to the All-that-is. From that Trust, we hear or feel our guidance. The message/communication that comes from that part of us that has remained limitless. Our Soul Essence.

Genius Loci
by John Maerz

We’ve all had the occasion where we’ve entered an environment and we felt a push, a pull or feeling of movement in which we were “encouraged” to acquiesce to. An easy and very tangible example of this is to imagine standing waist deep in ocean water and being shoved toward one side or the other while it appeared that the water barely moved beneath us. In this we can easily comprehend the cause and effect of the feeling because it touches and activates our physical senses. But there are other more subtle “senses” we have that are not dependent on physically confirming evidence.

Relationship With God - How to Build A Relationship With God?
by Gwen Peterson

In this article, we'll discuss what it means to have a relationship with God. We'll also look at some ways to build such a relationship. What does having a relationship with God mean and does the idea of connecting to an Energy as powerful as God's scare you? We have been conditioned to think that way. Have you been told the common person is not able to navigate those powers safely? Only special people or chosen ones can do that for you. But think of this. We are all the same in the eyes of God. How does that make you feel?

Earth Star Chakra
by Nancy Robbins

The Earth Star chakra is located approximately one foot below your feet in the Earth.  This chakra has a deep red/black color.  In Sanskrit it is called Vasundhara – “Daughter of the Earth”.  This chakra is an etheric chakra, also known as a sub-personal chakra since it is below the body.  Chakras above the body, such as the Soul Star chakra, are called trans-personal chakras. 

Begin Living Your Best Life
by Gwen Peterson

Do you really want to begin living your best life? Do you really want to begin living your life? Then stop and take the time to connect with who you are, love, peace, joy. Some of you may be so far removed from that connection that you may need to remind yourself what relief feels like. Train yourself back into that sensation or feeling. The sensation or feeling of letting go of bad feeling thoughts. Letting the tightness in your chest be replaced with the pounding of excitement for the unknown.

Owning one’s own sh*t can be challenging!
by Steven Howard

“Our heart space has access to a whole different array of words than that of our human mind.” That is a tentative conclusion I am reaching as I try, unsuccessfully, I might add, to deal with my own shadow beliefs and remain authentic while also unintentionally creating a story about others who also operate in accordance with their own unique languages of the heart and of the mind. Because it all, eventually, comes back to me! And that is why this blog is titled as it is.

Should you change your core beliefs?
by Gwen Peterson

It can be difficult to change your core beliefs, but it may be necessary in some cases. consider this before you start. Never allow anyone to convince you that you need to change any of your beliefs around any topics. If a topic should pop for you and you seem to find yourself drawn into the idea of changing up the edges of a core belief that you have held, hold onto your hat! Things in your life will begin to change for you. You will start to see with new eyes and hear with new ears. That is your Inner Being, your Soul, peeking through and pointing out to you a new way of perceiving your life and in those moments, you change so much of your experience.

Connecting to the Sacred Feminine with Lemurian Quartz Crystals
by Nancy Robbins

It can be difficult to change your core beliefs, but it may be necessary in some cases. consider this before you start. Never allow anyone to convince you that you need to change any of your beliefs around any topics. If a topic should pop for you and you seem to find yourself drawn into the idea of changing up the edges of a core belief that you have held, hold onto your hat! Things in your life will begin to change for you. You will start to see with new eyes and hear with new ears. That is your Inner Being, your Soul, peeking through and pointing out to you a new way of perceiving your life and in those moments, you change so much of your experience.

Time to Explore the Baggage us Men Carry Around
by Steven Howard

I need to give credit for this BLOG to the website, Voices of the Goddess, and to Claudia-Jean Virga, who appeared there as a guest speaker on a recent VLOG. And as I listened to Claudia share about her life and her roots, particularly about the relationship she had with her mother, I wondered: Why don’t they have VLOGs that specifically speak to the psychological and mental baggage men carry around for much of their lives?

Do You Want to Turn Something Around?
by Gwen Peterson

If you're looking to make a change, start by changing the way you think about it. This applies to everything, including your health. Have you ever noticed when you talk to anyone who is in the throws of some type of life event they will try to convince you that they have limitations to what they can do about it? The only thing you can say to someone who has taken the time to develop a belief (a thought you keep thinking) around this thing, gone out and got support for their cause and argue with great emotion on it is; your right.

Five New Divine Rays: The Mint-Green Ray of the New Earth
by Nancy Robbins

I had just finished writing articles on the divine rays 1-18, which I have received information from on research and various channeled sessions. These articles are on each of these divine rays and their qualities along with the Elohim, ascended masters and archangels working with them that can be found on my blog. As soon as I finished that, I got a request from my Council of Guides to create a card deck of these rays.

Five New Divine Rays: 22. Yellow-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Consciousness – the “Mahatma” Ray
by Nancy Robbins

My previous blog discussed the Lavender Ray of Divine Harmony, and this blog will discuss the next ray – the 22nd Divine Ray – the Yellow-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Consciousness – the “Mahatma” Ray. I’m continuing my deeper connection and understanding of all the rays, and especially these five new rays, but I wanted to share with you what knowledge I have so far! Here is also a recap of the divine rays. The new rays will each be discussed in upcoming blogs.

Trust that we are all connected to the One Divine Energy by Gwen Peterson

From that Trust, we hear or feel our guidance. The message/communication that comes from that part of us that has remained limitless. Trust that we are all connected to the One Divine Energy. To Source, to God, to the All-that-is. From that Trust, we hear or feel our guidance. The message/communication that comes from that part of us that has remained limitless. Our Soul Essence.

What is third dimension?
by Gwen Peterson

Third dimension is very slow moving energy. Energy that we can manipulate with our focused intent. Let's discuss this further. Consider this. Everything is energy. Ask any physicist. Third dimension, planet earth is energy and slow moving energy at that. This whole physical plane is all about density. That is why we can touch and feel everything. The Energy is very slow moving and dense. Because of that we have forgotten that we are the creators of all that we experience. Our resistance slows it to almost a virtual standstill and we forget that it is us who puts things into motion.